Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The fascination of the abomination

When I was in 7th grade, we had to study James Joyce's writings.
I still remember how I felt far removed from his work-------until I read one line in a book of his-------


That sentence went 'into' me like a medicine ball hits the stomach.

It WAS me.

It was my life. It was the PREDICTOR of my life to come------I was 14 years old at the time........ and not yet in my first "I love alcoholics" relationship.

I just knew--with no thought ----- it was so close to my heart-------- so close to what formed me from birth.......and I did not know why I felt so much about that sentence when I first heard it......and I didn't even know enough to ask myself why it felt so 'close' to what was 'me' to all, Toby

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