Friday, June 17, 2011

Women & alcoholism // AND--what's a 'social drinker'?

According to the latest studies, when a woman drinks, each drink hits her like a double. A woman's body contains less water and more fatty tissue—which increases alcohol absorption—compared to a male body.
And women have a lower activity level of an enzyme called alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), which breaks down alcohol.

This is not such important information for a woman who is a social drinker ---- as compared to how very important it is for a woman alcoholic.

Now, what is a "social drinker"?

Out of the mouths of many a male in A.A. ----- "I don't know why my wife bothers to drink. We go to a party----- she picks up a drink...... she gets involved in the conversation...... she sips at her one drink for a little bit...... she forgets about it because she is engrossed in the conversation......she puts it down. She walks somewhere else------and forgets that she even had the drink in her hand.
It gets warm.
It SITS there.
It does not get finished."

For a non-alcoholic------drinking alcohol has NO importance at all.

When a non-alcoholic says the word 'party' ----it is a noun.... as in "we're going to a party".

It is not a 'verb' (as in "let's party!" ----said by many an alcoholic) ........

For more extensive and detailed information on women and alcoholism-------please see the section on this website called "women and alcoholism" -------you can get to all the sections on this website by scrolling down the green sidebar on the left side of every page. ....... love to all in recovery, Toby

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